Across America Boxer Rescue
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Last Updated:
3/14/2025 6:39 PM

in memoriam


This page is dedicated to the memories of wonderful souls who have passed whose friends and families
chose to honor them with a donation to help Across America Boxer Rescue help more Boxers in need.  

Thank you ♥

~ You no longer greet me as I walk through the door.  You're not there to make me smile, to make me laugh anymore.  Life seems quiet without you, you were far more than a pet.  You were a family member, a best friend, a loving soul I'll never forget.  It will take time to heal, for the silence to go away.  I still listen for you, and miss you everyday.  You were such a great companion, constant, loyal, and true.  My heart will always wear the pawprints left by you ~

In Memory of Luke In memory Luke 1

In Memory of Cooper Cooper

 In memory of David E Rosen from the Bugge Bunch In loving memory 1

In memory of Erma Davis Erma Davis

In loving memory of Brody & Olive Brody & Olive

         In memory of Jenny Wagner In memory of Jenny

In memory of Charlotte & Dixie Charlotte & Dixie

In Memory of Juliette Juliette

In Memory of Rubi Rubi

In Memory of Penny Lane Penny Lane

 In Memory of Bella Bella gone

In Memory of Quinn Quinn
Quinn was a very special member of our family, Emily, Jim, Cathy, and Hudson. She was a best friend to all of us. ️ We will miss her very much.

In Memory of Odie Odie 
This donation is made in honor of JoAnn Willis, a great boss for the NDU team - we wouldn't be the same without her. 
She is someone who is always there for us with wisdom and a witty story.  Her fur baby Odie was her world and she misses him every day.  

In Memory of Bella Bella 2

In Memory of Brooks Brooks

In Memory of Roscoe Roscoe

In Memory of Marley Marley gone

In Memory of Rocky Rocky

In Memory of Cooper Cooper


In Memory of Irene Zieske 08-25-1940 – 05-02-2019

By Jim and Veronica Whitehead

Our dear friend Irene Zieske passed away last May and while we really miss her, it is with some
pride that we write in celebration of the legacy of goodwill she left behind.
We first came to know Irene several years ago when she, with her partner Erika Sateren, joined a
vegetarian social group that Veronica belonged to. While not exclusively vegetarian, Irene and
Erika were very interested in healthful eating, and in the ethical treatment of animals. They were
also delighted to discover that the group could not care less about Irene and Erika’s same-sex
relationship—which was almost a revelation to them after the years of discrimination and
ostracization they had unfortunately experienced.
Although both Irene and Erika had experienced some dark and difficult times, they refused to
become embittered, and they were often in celebratory spirit about the 20 years of happy
companionship they had shared. When Erika preceded Irene in death early in 2016 Irene was, of
course, very sad, but she became even more determined to do something to mitigate cruelty and
suffering. What was remarkable about this passionate goal was that it strengthened during a time
when Irene herself was suffering with physical disabilities and increasing health issues.
During her last couple of years her declining physical status forced Irene to move into assisted
living, and resulted in some hospital stays. Severe osteoporosis caused several collapsed
vertebrae, and she was often in severe pain. It was during those painful episodes that Irene was
especially delighted to have visits from our rescued Pit Bull “Zoey.”

Zoey, Who is so fierce and intimidating that she easily became certified as a Therapy Dog, was
even more delighted because Irene always had an abundant supply of treats available for such

In the final days, after Irene entered hospice care, she asked me (Jim) to be the executor of her
will, and I told her it would be a privilege. Working with her niece LouAnne Gibson, to empty
her apartment after her death, we made a couple of discoveries that epitomized the philosophy
and spirit of Ilene.
The first was in a small book of poems by Robert Service. A favorite, that she had bookmarked
with a dried rose petal, and was entitled “Grin,” started as follows:

If you’re up a against a bruiser and you’re getting knocked about ---


If you’re feeling pretty groggy, and you’re licked beyond a doubt ---


The other discovery was a copy of an “incident report” that had been submitted by a bus driver to
the depot supervisor where Irene once worked as a dispatcher. The “incident” reported that Irene
was the “sweetest, nicest person…” and went on to relate that “she is generally concerned about
the drivers and when she sees somebody down, she will ask about them … and has something
nice to say every day.”
That was the caring and compassionate Irene we knew and remember. May she Rest In Peace,
and may her generosity be an inspiration to all for years to come.

In Memory of Joy Lewis In Memory

In Memory of Sara Sara

In Memory of Carla Hass and 'Lil Bit Carla Hass

In Memory of Louie  Louie 1Louie 2

In Memory of Debbie Doty Epperly Debbie Epperly

In memory of Jenny Olson  in memory of Jenny
Jenny had a sweet & giving personality. She loved her Lord, her friends, & her neighbors with her whole heart, mind, & soul! 
Jenny had a special gift of caring for kittens, cats, puppies, dogs, guinea pigs, fish, bunnies, ducks, & chickens.
Jenny taught us to laugh @ her silly, but clean , jokes & songs.
She taught us to slow down, & not hurry through life, but to enjoy each moment as a gift from God!
Jenny loved butterflies, flowers, rainbows, sunrises & sunsets, & every season of the year.  
Jenny was a great hugger, & a very good listener. She  often asked us to join her in praying for a friend.
She shared her faith, & took many friends to Church with her.   
She decided years ago, that if the situation ever occurred,
she would donate her tissues & organs as her  
final gift to help others. The Organ Procurement Office said she would help over
50 people with her donated gifts!
We look forward to meeting Jenny in Heaven one day! We believe she is surrounded by people
& many pets who have gone to Heaven before her!!!

In memory of Jane Iverson in memory of 1

In memory of Jake  in memory of Jake

In Loving Memory of LucyLucy memorial  
 A Christmas gift to AABR
and has been donated by Kiel, 
Amanda, Ivy, Aidyn, Duke, Jerzie, Jesse,
Marie, Reggie, Eric, Nikki, Megan, 
Derrick, Dalaney, Brayden, Addison, 
Adam, Carissa, Ella, Nick, Jesstine,
Nick, Crystal, Bryce & Jason

               In Memory of Murphy Murphy

In Memory of Crystal Anderson 

                    In Memory of Duke Duke - Bits

In Memory of Erika Sateren  Erika


                     In Memory of Layla   Layla

        In Memory of Joe Boxer  In Memory of Joe Boxer

In Memory of Gunnar Delgado  Gunnar Delgado